Project INSPIRE is building on learning from MarRINav and applying it to bring the recommendations and actions to life. The INSPIRE team is led by Taylor Airey, a leading independent strategy and operations consultancy for the transport industry with a portfolio of services that includes their much respected position, navigation and timing expertise.
The ESA funded INSPIRE project has cited the objectives of
- investigating, developing and bench testing techniques and algorithms for autonomous user-level integrity monitoring
- Building a prototype for EGNOS performance monitoring
- Developing exploration plans for an e-Navigation service to provide supplementary integrity data to vessels
While the activity is focussing on current sources of PNT data and the maritime domain, the objective is to elaborate on solutions that will be capable of expansion to incorporate new data sources and exploitation by other domains.
The INSPIRE project team includes, NLA International Ltd, London Economics, GLA Research and Development, The Knowledge Transfer Network, CGI UK Ltd and Imperial College London.
To read more about the INSPIRE project and the team please visit the ESA website here.